Jean Briese's Blog
What impressed her most was that she got to sit in the front seat. She loved being front and center; indeed, to this very day, if there’s an event of interest to her, she will...
She took a careful drag, watching the smoke curl upwards before fading into the dim, stale air of the cramped trailer. She’d grown used to the ever-present haze long ago. Of course, she wasn’t genuinely...
Like many of us, I cherish our nativity set. It’s been the heart of our Advent and Christmas traditions for over 20 years—a spectacular creche, not life-size, but substantial enough to command attention. Each year,...
As a seasoned motivational speaker and sales leadership expert, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of a compelling keynote address. Here are 5 reasons why investing in a keynote speaker for your next business event...
As a motivational speaker, I’ve discovered that storytelling is one of the most powerful tools in my arsenal. It’s not just about sharing experiences; it’s about creating connections, evoking emotions, and inspiring action. Here’s why...
Research finds that only about 30% of employees are regularly engaged in their work. With that said, motivating your workers is tough because emotionally tapping into an entire workforce is a hard task. But how...
Unmotivated employees can cost companies up to $550 billion a year. 66% of employees were motivated to stay at their job with the presence of a corporate incentive program. Firms with engaged employees were 43%...
There’s nothing easy about running a small business. In fact, keeping your company profitable and efficient can often feel like a never-ending job. After all, being the boss means keeping track of a million details,...
Have you ever been to an event where you had to stifle a yawn? Then the person across from you stifles one, too, and suddenly you’re focusing more on appearing less sleepy than what the...
Moving Employees From Mediocre to Outstanding using the iLEAD principle. Joe* was the guy on my team who stood out by being defiant on my first day. Although we addressed that problem and he apologized,...
Chaos It’s six p.m. on baking day. There are sprinkles, sugar, crushed peppermint, flour, and chocolate chips on every counter and on the floors. All available counter space is covered with ingredients, cookies cooling on...