It was a Monday morning like every other, and I was very focused on getting everything “ready” for the busy week ahead. Get Alli’s breakfast ready, get ready for work, prep food for dinner, make sure the house is picked up before I leave. “Alli, are you ready to go?” I called.
“Yes, Alli,” I responded, as I looked down to gaze into the eyes of now four-year-old Allison.
Alli stood next to me looking up expectantly and, when her eyes caught mine, she asked, “Grandma, will you hold me?”
“Yes, Alli, yes I will. Let’s sit down and let me love on you.” A wide smile crossed her face as we headed over to the couch, and I scooped her into my arms.
Oh, the embrace. What a wonderful gift it is. As I wrapped my arms around Allison, I gave thanks for this little girl who gives me pause and helps me on a daily basis to remember my true priorities. What is more important than love? As we sat, my world, my day became calmer. A peace swept over me, so that I too felt embraced in love.
As I drove in to work later that day, listening to KLOVE radio, the DJ read their “encouraging word” for the day, from Mark 10:14-16 “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it. Then He embraced them, placing His hands on them.”
I need to go to Christ as a child? My mind flashed back to Allison, gazing up at me, with full faith that I will provide whatever she needs. Breakfast, no worries, she knows she will be fed. Clothes and shoes for school, no worries, she knows they will be provided. Home with her own place to sleep, provided. Toys for playing and growing, yes, provided. All of her needs, many of her wants are provided. She never worries that these will be provided. She trusts fully. Loved unconditionally on a daily basis, yes, of that she knows. And when she needs an embrace, she asks, without hesitation, without fear, “Grandma, will you hold me?”
Her request is rewarded with a few special moments on my lap, wrapped in loving protective arms. She can feel my breath as I whisper “I love you” softly to her, and I feel her breath when she responds. This intimate embrace brings us together, brings us to peace.
Father in heaven, will you hold me? I want to come to you like a child. Take away my worries and let me know that you will provide all I need. Father, let me sit in your lap. Let me feel your arms around me. Let me feel your breath whisper to me, “I love you.” Let me whisper back, “I love you too.” And let our breath mingle and bond us together and bring us both the satisfaction and peace of just sitting in love’s embrace.
Give me, Father, the gift of coming to you like a child, in full faith.