
A Monday Kind of Metamorphosis- Part 1

It was a Monday. I was getting ready for work, when six-year-old Allison, after overhearing a conversation the night before, asked me a question. “Grandma, why is Grandma Bobbi scared?” (Those darn kiddos, they hear everything, even when you think they aren’t paying attention.) “She was scared, baby, because she couldn’t breathe. And when you

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Grief. It feels like a big, hairy, beast Has moved in with me. It is constantly nipping at my heels And won’t leave me alone. I tried being patient with it. It kept nipping. The constant nipping made me angry. And I raged against it. It kept nipping. I was busy with services and Things

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A Life Changing Visit

Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It was the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. In February 2007, 18 months later, HIMSS, the Healthcare and Information Management Systems Organization held a conference

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The Great Stag

I was only six years old, but I still remember how the fear gripped me as the fire spread, the tears I shed as his mother died, and laughing out loud as I met Thumper and Flower. The Disney classic movie “Bambi” was an emotionally powerful movie for a young child. So when four year

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The Promise

The sun seemed to kiss her face and shoulders as she walked along the street.  With her bronzed skin and long blonde hair parted straight down the middle, she looked like any other 15 year old in 1974. What made her different was the fact that she had been “on her own” now for several

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Toilet Paper, Stickers, and The Great Helper

When Allison was a toddler, we used to hold her up to the wall where all our family photos were displayed and play “Who’s that?” You have probably played this with your own kids. “Who’s that?” we would ask. “Grampa Briese,” Allison would reply. This was a way for Allison to know her great extended family,

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