Phoenix Womens Motivational Speaker | Why Is She the Best?

If you need to find a Phoenix womens motivational speaker, then give Jean Briese a call. She is native to the Phoenix area and she is the highest-ranked motivational speaker in her area. She has vast knowledge and the sales and coaching industries. She has worked for multiple different sales businesses including a fortune 10 telecommunications company. They were in a dying industry and she came in and put her team at number one in the nation grew the company’s sales revenue by 300%.

Jean Briese had a somewhat rough start to her young adult life. When she was a young teen, her mother abandoned her and her siblings right before Christmas. This left her in charge of her three youngest siblings and she was still in high school. After she graduated they were homeless and she decided that her circumstances are not going to make her victim. And said she is going to use them to propel her towards being the greatest she could be and using her story to empower others to do the same.

Jean is a Phoenix womens motivational speaker, she also speaks on sales coaching and can assist in growing your business by simply teambuilding with you and helping you to empower the individuals within your organization so that your business can grow on its own. Once you have the work culture and environment in place for success, then your business will easily propel itself to the outside of the mold and constantly be on the edge of the competition in your industry. If you surround your business and organization with individuals who are driven, determined, motivated, inspired, and ultimately unapologetic for their success, then your business will follow.

She also coaches was overcoming obstacles and women’s empowerment. She believes that the cross-selling is to put on women for centuries is not okay, and she wants to instill in every woman a sense of urgency and empowerment to bust out of it and become whoever it is that they want to be. As far as equal rights of calm, women are still not quite as respected and revered as men in the business/entrepreneur industry. This is not always the case, but in those rare instances where they are still seemingly “less than” the men in their same positions, then she wants to encourage women to not take no for an answer and to be who they want simply because they can.

If you are looking for a Phoenix womens motivational speaker that you attend your family to, then you need to give JeanMarie so call. She stated to there is an area but she travels all over the country for speaking engagements. You can reach her at 602-625-6071, or visit her website at You can see all of her information on her website as well as view video testimonials from her past and current clients. You can also visit her YouTube site and see speaking engagement videos so that you can see for yourself I should book her today.

Phoenix Womens Motivational Speaker | Why Is She the Best?

There are a lot of options when you need a Phoenix womens motivational speaker for your engagement. Whether it’s a business/organization meeting, or simply a small group meeting. Jean Briese is the best you can find. She is the top of her industry and she is consistently asked to repeat visits to companies and organizations who wish to be inspired continuously. She is native to the Phoenix area but she travels all over the country for speaking engagements. She brings her heart and soul into her engagements and she passionately strives to change people for the better.

When you need to uplift your team and try to rebuild or simply remold the way that your team is behaving or thinking, then chambers can come for a speaking meeting. Can help with building and helping to address the visual growth in employees and staff. You power and aspire visuals, then as a whole your organization will start to be inspired and empowered. If you are surrounded by people who were not driven or not determined to go anywhere or do anything with their life, then your organization will suffer because, without that work culture in place, you can. If everyone around you is striving to be the absolute best at everything that you do, then your business will thrive will be the best at what you do.

If you are in need of a Phoenix women’s motivational speakers for your women meeting, then Jean is here. She believes you become the best they can be regardless of the stigmas that are placed especially in the business world. As much as women are respected now in the workplace, there still is where they are not as revered as they should be. Or, rather, they are not granted as part of the position because of the. Our everyone to fights that stereotype is that it is that they are qualified for and what they want. There are many women as the man in the college graduate, worse, educated individual collaborative, and women should be as respected and pulled from as men in the business/worship world.

Jean also has a lot of experience in overcoming obstacles and that not only the overcoming of the surviving, but using as obstacles to then give herself a platform for reaching the top rungs of the ladder of success. She, at a young age, was forced to raise her brothers and sisters with her mother abandoned. After she was, she decided that when users of this is to be a victim for the sky. Such as to lose herself to her utmost and highest to do so in a way that she could inspire others. Because you’re going to be hard is not that it can take you. It’s easy to let it do so, but the rest of your life, then you take the obstacle, channel your inner superhero, and you crush it.

When you need a Phoenix motivational speaker, look no further than Jean Briese. She can be reached by phone at 602-625-6271 or on our website at She can also be found social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and youtube Where you can view video testimonials from her past and current clients as well as speaking engagement videos so you can see exactly why it is that you’re going to want to book her.

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